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The Presidency of John F Kennedy

Jfk officially declared his intent to run for President on January 2, 1960. He won his party's nomination on July 30, 1960 and on Tuesday November 8, Kennedy defeated Nixon and won the Presidency of the United States. He was sworn in as President on January 20,1961. The most remembered part of his inaugural address is his world illustrious quote "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." He was assassinated on November 22, 1963 - ending his short lived but world changing Presidency.

Kennedy's presidency was very active and addressed many major issues of the day - the Cuban Missile Crisis, Latin America and the spread of Communism, the Peace Corps, Vietnam, Civil Rights, the Space schedule and many other issues. Here are the highlights of some of his more memorable activities while in office.

John F Kennedy Quotes

Cuba: Cuba was a very troublesome part of the Kennedy Presidency. He was embroiled in the Bay of Pigs episode and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The Presidency of John F Kennedy

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The Bay of Pigs was a plan conceived during the Eisenhower supervision to invade Cuba and free it from the Communist Fidel Castro. It was orchestrated by the Cia and organized an insurgency built up of anti-Castro Cubans. The United States help train them and on April 17, 1961, Kennedy ordered the invasion to proceed. Fifteen Hundred trained Cuban exiles - called Brigade 2506 - invaded Cuba but did so without U.S. Air support, something Kennedy did not allow to occur. The plan failed and the invaders were captured or killed and Kennedy was forced to negotiate the publish of the captives.

The Cuban Missile emergency began on October 14, 1962 when American U-2 spy planes took pictures of an intermediate range missile site under building in Cuba. The photos were shown to Kennedy on October 16. Against the wishes of his troops - who wished to show the way an air charge on the missile sites - Kennedy enacted a Naval embargo of Cuba and entered into negotiations with the Soviets to take off the missiles and dismantle the bases. After a very tense duration for the world, Kennedy and Krushchev reached an deal to take off the missiles in Cuba and in change the U.S. Agreed to never invade Cuba and to take off U.S. Missiles stationed in Turkey.

Vietnam: Kennedy continued Eisenhower's lead to use puny troops operation to fight Communism in the Asian theater. As part of this operation Kennedy took steps to help the unstable South Vietnamese government by sending 16,000 troops advisors and extra troops troops to the area. In spite of the efforts of these and an expanding number of U.S. Personnel, the situation further deteriorated and by July 1963, Vietnam became a full blown crisis. The administration's response to the emergency was to support in a turn of the leadership of South Vietnam with the overthrow of President Diem. Unfortunately, the assassination of Kennedy shortly thereafter left Vietnam a long term emergency for the United States - one that may have been resolved very differently had Kennedy been afforded the time to fully address the challenges.

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: In August 1963, Kennedy signed a Nuclear Test Ban treaty to ban the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, on top of the ground and in the water. The ban did not apply to private testing activities. The United States and the Soviet Union were the first signatories to the treaty.

Immigration: Kennedy proposed a major overhaul of the American immigration procedure - later known as the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. This act shifted emphasis on immigration from European countries to Latin America and Asia. It also shifted the emphasis on option of immigrants towards family reunifications as opposed to meeting quotas from specific countries.

Space program: Kennedy passionately believed it was the United State's destiny to be the leader in the space race. To this end, Kennedy approached Nikita Kruschchev in June 1961 and in the autumn of 1963 proposing joint ventures in space exploration. At the first meeting, the Soviet Union was far ahead of the United States in space technology. On the second occasion, when America's space schedule was intriguing ahead of the Soviet program, Kruschchev saw the advantages of cost-sharing but Kennedy was assassinated before an deal could be constructed.

Kennedy first made the goal for landing a man on the Moon when speaking to a Joint Session of Congress on May 25, 1961, saying

"First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him back safely to the earth. No particular space task in this duration will be more impressive to mankind, or more leading for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or costly to accomplish."

Civil Rights: Kennedy's Presidency was plagued by civil ownership issues stemming from the 1954 consummate Court ruling that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional. He felt the conditions that existed in the South were very explosive and often seemed disconnected from the civil ownership movement - fearing that a fully engaged President would cause great strife with Southern whites and make it very difficult to pass meaningful civil ownership laws.

However, he did intervene in many actions with use of federal marshalls and troops to ensure that people's ownership were protected - the most illustrious being in 1962 when James Meredith tried to enroll in the University of Mississippi and on June 11,1963 when Alabama Governor George Wallace blocked two African American students from entering the University of Alabama.

It was on that very evening that Kennedy fully jumped into this issue by delivering his illustrious civil ownership address on national radio and television. The proposal made in the speech became the Civil ownership Act of 1964.

Kennedy's list of accompisments are much longer this the summary offered here. He lived in a truly turbulent and formative time for this country and was the driving force behind many of the changes that has shaped our country since his Presidency.

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