วันพุธที่ 29 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine

Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine Tube. Duration : 1.18 Mins.

Lloyd Bentsen

Tags: Bentsen

Bartlatt's Not so Familiar American Quotations

Bartlatt's Not so Familiar American Quotations Tube. Duration : 3.25 Mins.

There are many memorable quotes from famous historical figures in that *other* book. But let Pat Cashman introduce you to a few you may not have heard before in this short infomercial spoof. First aired November 20, 1993 Copyright King 5 - Almost Live!

Tags: seattle, almost, live, cashman, S10E09

วันจันทร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

JFK Conspiracy Theory: Second Gunman

JFK Conspiracy Theory: Second Gunman Video Clips. Duration : 8.73 Mins.

I'm usually don't buy into JFK conspiracies, but the reenactment of the assassination supporting the theory of two or three gunmen is certainly compelling.

Tags: jfk, lbj, john, kennedy, assassination, jackie, onassis, texas, lee, harvey, oswald, lyndon, johnson, autopsy

George Bush, the CIA and Skull and Bones

George Bush, the CIA and Skull and Bones Video Clips. Duration : 7.88 Mins.

October 20, 1989 www.amazon.com Watch the full program: thefilmarchived.blogspot.com Henry Neil Mallon (1895-1983) was Chairman of the Board, President and Director 29-, Dresser Industries (Cleveland, OH) (now Halliburton), President 31-, Dresser Manufacturing Limited (Toronto, Canada); Chairman of the Board, Director, Bryant Heater Company (Cleveland, Ohio); Factory Manager, General Manager, Director 20-29, US Can Company (Cincinnati, Ohio); 19-20 w/Continental Can Company (Chicago, Illinois); Director, Bovaud & Seyfang Manufacturing Company (Bradford, Pennsylvania), Clark Brothers Inc (Olean, New York), Day & Night Manufacturing Company (Monrovia, California), International Derrick & Equipment Company (Columbus, Ohio), Kobe, Inc (Huntington Park, California), Pacific Pumps, Inc (CA), Roots-Connersville Blower Corporation (Connersville, Indiana), Security Engineering Company (Whitter, CA), Stacey Brothers, Gus Construction Company (Cincinnati, OH), Pharis Tire & Rubber Company (Newark, Ohio), Petrolite Corporation (St. Louis, Missouri), Magazines of Industry (New York, New York), Hydrocarbon Research Inc (New York, New York), Carthage Hydrocol Corporation (New York, New York). He was a close friend and business partner of Prescott Bush. Mallon attended Yale University where he and Bush both became members of the Skull & Bones in 1917. George Herbert Walker Bush (S&B 1948) would later name his own son Neil Mallon Bush after the man who had given him his first job out of ...

Keywords: George, Prescott, Bush, intelligence, community, CIA, Skull, and, Bones, secret, society, banking, Texas, Oil, Yale, pilot, Zapata, multinational, corporations, fronts, Henry, Neil, Mallon, Freedom, of, Information, Act, officer, Cuba, Emile, de, Antonio, spies, espionage, Central, Agency, asset, operative, agent

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Great Price 3dRose for

Rick London Famous Wisdom Quote Gifts - John F. Kennedy - John F. Kennedy - Forgive But Not Forget Enemies Wisdom Quote Gifts - Mouse Pads Best

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 25, 2012 20:42:08

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Connelly describing his wound in JFK murder

Connelly describing his wound in JFK murder Tube. Duration : 1.40 Mins.

Texas Governor John Connelly describing his wounding in the JFK assassination. Of significance, notice that John Connally is NOT bent over for several seconds AFTER we see him emerge from behind the sign. John Connally was shot in the back AFTER President Kennedy was shot in the head. See my article on this subject: EXPLAINING THE SHOOTING OF JOHN CONNALLY' www.freerepublic.com

Tags: JFK, assassination, Connelly

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

The Dragon Line Review-Rush: power Taken to Innovative Echelons

John F Kennedy Quotes

The Dragon Line Review-Rush: power Taken to Innovative Echelons

John F. Kennedy Peaceful Revolution Wisdom Quote Gifts - 10x10 Quilt Square Best

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John F. Kennedy Peaceful Revolution Wisdom Quote Gifts - 10x10 Quilt Square Overview

John F. Kennedy Peaceful Revolution Wisdom Quote Gifts Quilt Square is 100% Cotton 10 inch fabric sheet with 7.5 inch image. This product can be used for variety of things including a quilt or pillow top. A group, club or classroom quilt is unique and creative. It's a great way to showcase & remember that meaningful moment. Pin cushion and thread are for display purposes only and are not included.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 23, 2012 20:21:43
The Dragon Line Review-Rush: power Taken to Innovative EchelonsFor supper I want a party platter Tube. Duration : 0.18 Mins.

JFK disagrees with the title of this video.

Tags: filler, rellif

วันอังคารที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Leadership Lessons from Pope John Paul Ii

"Heroes are rebels with a cause. Rebels because they challenge the customary ways of reasoning and refuse to corollary the herd. They have a cause, a vision, that's larger than life." - Sharif Khan, author of science of mind of the Hero Soul

From a small-town Polish boy born to a retired army officer to become Pope; from a hard life in Nazi occupied Poland, his mum dead of kidney and heart failure, an older brother dead from scarlet fever, to become quite maybe "man of the century." How did such an unlikely candidate for the head of the Roman Catholic Church rise so fast to such prominence? What leadership lessons can we learn from this global spiritual leader who so moved the world? Here is a brief timeline snap-shot of Karol Josef Wojtyla's exemplary leadership:

John F Kennedy Quotes


Leadership Lessons from Pope John Paul Ii

John F. Kennedy Quote Best

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 21, 2012 17:53:14

1958: Pope Pius Xii names Wojtyla auxiliary bishop of Krakow.

By this time, Wojtyla was a professor of ethics and had two doctorate degrees; he had studied theology in clandestine while the oppressive Nazi occupation of Poland.

Leadership lesson: leaders are readers. Specialized knowledge is key to leadership along with general studies. While Wojtyla had two doctorates in his field, he also studied doctrine and literature and was also a playwright and a poet. If you were to take an hour-a-day reading up in your field and applying the knowledge, within a period of five years you would become an 'expert' within your field. Population are hungering and thirsting for a leader with knowledge and experience.

In Wojtyla's case, he took the time to gain knowledge of the world, himself, and beyond. As a chaplain for university students in Krakow, he used to go on frequent camping and kayaking trips and offered counseling and mentorship to the students. On these excursions, he would usually take an hour or more to be alone by himself to reflect, read, and pray. These moments of solitude gave him a strong internal compass and knowledge of self required of great leaders.


1978: Elected Pope John Paul Ii becoming the 264th pope and first non-Italian pope in 456 years; refuses formal papal coronation in favor of a straightforward inauguration ceremony and chooses not to use the royal plural "We" referring to himself plainly as "I".

Wojtyla was not impressed by the trappings of power and its symbols and made that clear from the day he was elected Pope. He had a very simple, plain, and honest way of communicating that endeared Population to him. He exemplified the servant-leader role by embodying one of the titles of the Pope: Servus Servorum Dei (Servant of the Servants of God).

Leadership lesson: leaders are humble. We can learn from Wojtyla's example by not isolating ourselves in the corner office or ivory tower with each successive promotion, hiding behind concluded doors and a sea of fancy titles, diplomas, awards, certificates, and press-clippings. Like Wojtyla, we can make ourselves ready to our Population with open doors, seeking to understand and encouraging dialogue. Leadership by walking colse to and talking to Population and listening to their needs earns respect and trust.


1979: Visits his homeland, Poland, for the first time as Pope and speaks to his people, arresting Solidarity, the first independent labor movement in the Soviet bloc.

Risking his life against the totalitarian Communist Regime in Poland, Wojtyla returned to his homeland and did not speak in the typical, valid 'visiting dignitary' tone. He spoke from his heart, from the gut, soul-to-soul - in their language. The Population of Poland saw themselves reflected in him; he encouraged them to not crawl like animals but walk tall and 'be not afraid.' The crowd went wild and a flame of rebellion and counter-revolution was lit in the group consciousness of the Polish people, sparking the Solidarity movement for independence and free time that eventually toppled the Communist Regime.

Leadership lesson: leaders have heart. Intellect is not enough; both head and heart have to be married. If you want to win over people, risk letting down your guard and speak from the heart. The leader that speaks from the heart approximately all the time wins over imagine alone.


1983: Meets with assassin Ali Agca in prison.

Just two years after the assassination exertion on his life by gunman, Mehmet Ali Agca, and some months of painful recovery, the Pope visited Agca in prison and offered forgiveness. (Much later, in 2000, the Italian government granted clemency to Agca, on the Pope's request).

Leadership lesson: leaders are willing to forgive. We are all fallible human beings that make mistakes. The mark of a true leader is his or her willingness to forgive. It's also a smart leadership strategy in the long-term. While there's no excuse to keep person who consistently fails to learn from their mistakes, the boss that fires an worker for making a big mistake is often mistaken for doing so. After all, there's all the time the risk that the next person hired could potentially make the same disastrous mistake. But by gift forgiveness to the person that errs, that person is unlikely to repeat that same mistake, and will most likely remain fiercely loyal to you.


2000: Offers a day of apology for sins committed by members of the Catholic Church over the centuries; visits Israel and pays homage to the victims of the Holocaust.

Wojtyla was the first pope to visit the Auschwitz attentiveness camp in Poland in 1979, and later in 2000, he visited Jerusalem's Yad Vashem in remembrance of the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust, praying for reconciliation between Christians and Jews and apologizing for the sin of anti-Semitism by Christians.

The day that old U.S. President, John F. Kennedy, took full accountability for the Bay of Pigs fiasco, was the day he became a leader. The day that Wojtyla apologized and took accountability for the sins of anti-Semitism committed by Christians, was the day he became a truly respected global leader.

Leadership lesson: leaders take full accountability for their organization. Blaming and complaining is the mark of a loser. We can make excuses or we can make advance - but we de facto can't do both. To be a leader, you must take full accountability for your actions, your team, and finally the whole club or cause you lead.

Uncommon Leadership

1982 - 2003: Receives Plo leader Arafat; Meets Gorbachev as first pope to meet with a Kremlin Chief; visits Cuba and meets with Castro; becomes first pope in history to enter a mosque.

Despite commentary from many corners on the controversial issues he supported, Wojtyla was not one to ever back down. He stood for what he believed in and had the courage of convictions. As a leader, he was tough but flexible. His flexibility allowed him to meet famous, and infamous, world leaders and address difficult issues that made him unpopular in inevitable circles. But he also had the inner toughness and steely decree to break down walls and raise reconciliation. As Pope and head of the Roman Catholic Church he knew his role was to unify the Church while serving as an apostle of justice and peace. He stood his ground and never wavered, even if it meant alienation.

Leadership lesson: leaders stand for what they believe in. Leadership is not about winning a popularity contest. Stand up for what you believe in. Be strong and be firm. A divided mind is weak; a united mind, clear and singular in purpose, is excellent beyond measure.

Legacy: Rebel with a Cause

1920 - 2005: A legacy of leadership.

Leadership Lessons from Pope John Paul Ii

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

How To Give A Great Acceptance Speech

"Acceptance speeches didn't used to be at all autobiographical," says former Clinton speechwriter David Kusnet.

"Roosevelt didn't talk about recovering from polio. John F. Kennedy didn't talk about Pt-109 or being Catholic or being the grandson of Irish immigrants. Eisenhower didn't talk about Wwii. The first candidate to be autobiographical in a practice speech was Richard Nixon. And after Nixon, every candidate from an unprivileged background talked about how he came up from poverty, and every candidate from a privileged background went searching for something in his background that would humanize him."

John F Kennedy Quotes

This quote from a story called Speech Therapy from The New York Metro Magazine highlights the challenges facing the rich and powerful, everybody from movie stars to Presidents, in giving an acceptance speech.

How To Give A Great Acceptance Speech

Rick London Famous Wisdom Quote Gifts - John F. Kennedy - John F. Kennedy Peaceful Revolution Wisdom Quote Gifts - Greeting Cards-6 Greeting Cards with envelopes Best

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Rick London Famous Wisdom Quote Gifts - John F. Kennedy - John F. Kennedy Peaceful Revolution Wisdom Quote Gifts - Greeting Cards-6 Greeting Cards with envelopes Overview

John F. Kennedy Peaceful Revolution Wisdom Quote Gifts Greeting Card is measuring 5.5w x 5.5h. Greeting Cards are sold in sets of 6 or 12. Give these fun cards to your friends and family as gift cards, thank you notes, invitations or for any other occasion. Greeting Cards are blank inside and come with white envelopes.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 19, 2012 20:39:10

The quote Kusnet was refering to was the one Richard Nixon gave at the 1968 Republican convention.

"I see other child tonight. He hears the train go by at night and he dreams of faraway places where he'd like to go. It seems like an impossible dream. But he is helped on his journey through life and tonight he stands before you - nominated for president of the United States of America," Nixon said.

Halle Berry's emotional acceptance speech at the 2002 Oscars was one of the most memorable in the history of the Academy Awards.

She didn't leave many dry eyes in the house with her tearful acceptance speech for 2001's movie Monster's Ball.

"This occasion is for Dorothy Dandridge, Lena Horne, Diahann Carroll," she said. "It's for the women that stand beside me -- Jada Pinkett, Angela Bassett -- and it's for every nameless, faceless woman of color that now has a opening because this door tonight has been opened."

The joy of accepting an award can often be accompanied by the fear of speaking in public.
Whether you're up for an Oscar, accepting a sporting award or a community accolade, these tips will help you with your acceptance speech.

1. Keep It Short.

There is nothing worse than person who goes on and on. Not only does this turn the audience off but it diminishes the impact of the award. If you have been notified beforehand, all the time ask how long you have and then keep to that time. If the award is a perfect surprise it is best to keep it shorter than go longer.

2. Don't Get Political

Avoid grandstanding or using the opening to score points or put over your own personal agenda. Make the article of your speech relevant to the audience and occasion.

3. Make it Memorable.

You want to make an impression and being clever helps - especially with memorable one liners."I've loved being hated by you," is an absolute first-rate by Louise Fletcher when accepting her Oscar for playing the evil nurse in 1975's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."This is not the end, just the beginning," by West Coast Eagles captain Ben Cousins on losing the 2005 Afl Grand Final to the Sydney Swans was other classic.

4. Touch People's Emotion

Show emotion and you will join together with habitancy at a deeper emotional level.Michael Malone did this brilliantly at the 40 Under 40 Awards as he spoke from the heart about the milestones his autistic son had achieved."We now treasure those moments. Why is it that we don't recognise those things in all our children? We only value those things when they are taken away," he told roughly 900 guests when accepting the 1st amongst Equals Award.

5. Thank You

Nothing is more fine than thanking others who have helped you reach your goals. Mentors, coaches, supporters, friends, and partners are acceptable habitancy to thank. Don't go on too much.Malone went group on his son's autism and thanked his wife, Beata for raising his children while he built a multi-million dollar business.

6. Avoid Notes.

If you know you are going to get an award all the time prepare beforehand. Don't read from notes - use keywords as memory triggers. There is all the time something lacking when an award recipient pulls out a white sheet of paper and reads from their notes. The audience are let down and it minimises the impact.

7. Avoid Negative or Apologetic Statements.

Awards are about celebrating success and achievement. Your comments should reflect this. Be upbeat not downbeat.

8. Avoid Jokes.

Leave this to the professional comedians and stand up comics. The risks of backfiring far outweigh the upside.

9. Keep Still.

Don't move colse to too much. It will distract from your message and credibility.

10. End With a Call To Action.

What is it that you want the audience to do? You are the role model - inspire them to greater heights!

How To Give A Great Acceptance Speech

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555


LISBON TREATY 2 Video Clips. Duration : 8.63 Mins.

Every single top level Irish politician has been ' corrupted ' by the evil men behind the curtains who now wield absolute power in Brussels ! do not listen or take as the truth a thing these people tell you, these are the same people who told you it was all just conspriacy theorist who said anything negative regarding EU power expansion ! here are some of their quotes : THE TREATY WILL HELP EUROPE SPEAK WITH ONE VOICE IN HELPING CREATE THE NEW WORLD ORDER : CATHERINE DAY secretary general of the European commission 7/9/2009 IT IS A DELIBERATE MISREPRESENTATION TO SUGGEST THAT TENS OF THOUSANDS OF MIGRANTS WILL SUDDENLY DESCEND EN MASS INTO IRELAND : proinsias de rossa 20/8/2002 EFFORTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO FORMENT FEARS THAT MIGRANTS FROM NEW EU STATES WILL FLOCK INTO THE COUNTRY THIS IS NOT ONLY UNPLEASANT BUT PLAIN WRONG : Irish prime minister Brian Cowen 7/7/2002 Between 2004 - 2007 500000 migrants flocked into Ireland from new member states ! consider the Irish republics population of 4million = 1 out of every 8 Irish citizens are now from eastern europe and beyond and the second most widely spoken language after English is not Irish but mandarin Chinese. www.stwr.org www.protest.net www.youtube.com www.zeitgeistmovie.com http www.prisonplanet.com http www.jordanmaxwell.com www.jackiscool89 www.nwo.nl educate-yourself.org... http www.conspiracyplanet... http www.conspiracyarchiv... http www.illuminati-news.com http www.dontglobalisehun... http thetruthmovement.net www ...


วันอังคารที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Etc. CoTD Sounds

Etc. CoTD Sounds Tube. Duration : 21.27 Mins.

All of the other new sounds from Call of the Dead that didn't fit in with the quotes! Including radios, nodes, etc. HOW TO DOWNLOAD: www.youtube.com Special thanks to Alpha Snake! HOW TO DOWNLOAD: www.megaupload.com - raw files

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วันจันทร์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Great Price Poster Revolution for $85.00

Professionally Framed John F Kennedy Quote Archival Photo Poster Print - 13x19 with RichAndFramous Black Wood Frame Best

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Professionally Framed John F Kennedy Quote Archival Photo Poster Print - 13x19 with RichAndFramous Black Wood Frame Feature

  • Your professionally framed poster ships ready-to-hang!
  • Premium quality RichAndFramous wood frame with 1.25 inch wide moulding.
  • Lightweight, glare-reducing styrene front secures and protects artwork.
  • Custom Made for years of quality enjoyment.
  • Frame size approximately 14.00 by 20.00 inches for print size 13.00 by 19.00.

Professionally Framed John F Kennedy Quote Archival Photo Poster Print - 13x19 with RichAndFramous Black Wood Frame Overview

John Fitzgerald 'Jack' Kennedy (May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963) was the 35th President of the United States, serving from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. Kennedy represented Massachusetts's 11th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1947 to 1953 as a Democrat, and in the U.S. Senate from 1953 until 1960. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon in the 1960 U.S. presidential election, one of the closest in American history. Events during his administration include the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the building of the Berlin Wall, the Space Race, the African American Civil Rights Movement and early events of the Vietnam War.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 13, 2012 22:53:59

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Princess Diana of Wales - Long Live the Queen of Hearts

Diana Frances Spencer, normal human being born as an English aristocrat, fairy tale princess, old wife of a Prince, mom of kings, heralded as the most supreme and most photographed woman in the history of the world, was more than a media icon of global renown. She was a connection, a cosmic association to the next millennium.

The year Two Thousand (2000) commenced the new millennium. This has colossal, imponderable import for our earth and the habitancy living at this time, for it marks, not just a change of years, or a change of decades, or a change of centuries, but a change of thousand year increments of cosmic earth time and, more importantly, an vast change in the vibratory veil of planet earth.

John F Kennedy Quotes

One might not think this too extraordinary, but it is. A man could conceivably outlive a century, but no one outlives a millennium. It is an highly long period of time as far as ordinary, human, day-to-day, living timetables are concerned. What is notably extraordinary, however, is the shift in vigor fields in the cosmic realm when millennia change.

Princess Diana of Wales - Long Live the Queen of Hearts

John F. Kennedy: Quotes/Trivia (Heroes (Nicotext)) Best

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John F. Kennedy: Quotes/Trivia (Heroes (Nicotext)) Overview

Heroes is a series of books about the most famous people in the world. People so great that everybody knows who they are. People so famous that they have become heroes. Famous quotes and trivia in a pleasant mix makes this book about JFK the perfect gift. The other five Heroes are: Elvis Presley, the Rolling Stones, Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe and Muhammad Ali. Simply put, great people small books.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 12, 2012 20:03:09

Millennia are huge living waves of cosmic energy. They roll onto and over the beach of time with admittedly no regard for personalities, possessions or social conventions. Oblivious to their predecessor, they have their own will and they exercise it mercilessly. They are aloof, indifferent and inconsiderate of what lies in their path. These thousand year periods of impersonal, irrepressible power harbor vast levels of vigor far beyond the quality of any human being to operate or manipulate. They operate us. The sheer weight of their mass and vigor power us to move to their will and in their direction. Indeed, they move us where they choose and when they choose, for we are not strong sufficient to swim against them any more than we are strong sufficient to swim against the force of a tidal wave. In effect, they rule and we obey.

Fortunately, millennia and their inbred intrinsic characteristics are calculable, inviting to a predetermined rhythm, and by understanding their essence and adjusting to them, we can survive by surfing, by going with their flow. To resist them is impossible. They will simply pick us up, like the towering wave, and slam us down to a more humbling position, maybe taking our life in the process.

Princess Diana and the Millennia Shift

From a numerological perspective, the last thousand years was marked by the estimate One (1) which rules male (Yang) energy. This current thousand years is marked by the estimate Two (2) which governs female (Yin) energy. It was during the transition of these millennia that the destiny of Diana Frances Spencer, Princess of Wales, exerted vast significance.

From an esoteric point of view, it was Princess Diana's cosmic purpose - straight through her highly social life and death - to support habitancy in an unconscious way on a global level to adjust to the intrinsic energies and characteristics of the new millennium. Her life was a clear signal that it was out with the old vigor of the 1 and in with the new vigor of the 2.

This was one of Diana Frances Spencer's great gifts to the world - she was a bridge in the middle of the rigidity and single-mindedness of the 1st Millennium and the yielding and together-mindedness of the 2nd Millennium. Diana recognized there were others in the world and she reached out to them from her royal position, an act which many habitancy not only respected but revered.

Diana felt. She expressed her feelings openly and unashamedly to the habitancy she served and which the monarchy served straight through her. She touched people, she made them feel they were together in one family. She cared, she was sensitive and receptive to their needs, feelings and desires. She was in touch, not just with them but with the rapidly advancing tidal wave of vigor that was the oncoming 2nd Millennium.

How many times during the aftermath of her death was Princess Diana referred to as The People's Princess and The Queen of Hearts? Truly, she needed no throne, for she sat on the one throne which moves habitancy more than any other - the Throne of Hearts.

In recognition of her personal power, the Union Jack, flag of the British Empire, was lowered to half-mast in respect of Diana after her death. This had never been done in the one thousand year existence of the British Empire. It was a truly qualified gesture when one considers the rich legacy of English history and an Empire so vast that upon which, at one time, "the sun never set." When one thinks of the cavalcade of great, auspicious, prodigious and leading personalities which England has given to the world straight through the likes of Winston Churchill - maybe the most statesman of the Twentieth Century; William Shakespeare - the most playwright of recorded history; Isaac Newton - arguably the most scientist in history; Dr. Samuel Johnson - first author of the dictionary of the English language; Alexander Pope, Francis Bacon, Percy Shelly, John Keats, Admiral Nelson, William Wordsworth, Lord Byron, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling and on and on and on - personalities for whom the flag was never lowered on their behalf - it is qualified admittedly that it was lowered for one Diana Francis Spencer. One has to marvel at the power of a man who, in just sixteen years, could so move the world and her nation's leadership that she did what no other of her countrymen could do in their whole lifetimes and beyond - honor their passing with the lowering of the Union Jack to half-mast.

This flag gesture is leading because it demonstrates what the 2nd Millennium addresses - others, their feelings and emotions. It was the will of the people, habitancy whom Diana touched, that forced that flag to be positioned in such a manner. And why? Because Diana touched them to such a degree and in such a way they felt compelled, straight through love, compassion and respect, to ask a change in British institution and monarchical routine regardless of what the last thousand years had postulated or protocol dictated.

There is another leading aspect to the Union Jack being lowered to half-mast on Diana's death and that is in its symbolism. When a flag is not lowered but kept at the apex of its pole, it signifies oneness, and in the case of Great Britain, the unity and solidarity of the nation, which is why it was never lowered for other esteemed English icons. However, when a flag is dropped to half-mast, it virtually cuts the pole (the 1) into two sections signifying 'others'. The estimate 2 also indicates relationship, support, togetherness, teamwork, cooperation. In a cosmic way, this is what the Union Jack flying at half-mast in tribute of Diana's life and death was signifying - the emergence of a new set of system and standards - ideas based in others, relationship, cooperation, withhold and all that the yin symbolizes. It is also inviting to note that Diana's numerology chart was heavily saturated in 2 energy. She was an highly people-oriented person.

Additionally, in supplementary withhold of this idea, Queen Elizabeth bowed her head as Diana's coffin passed en route to her burial. How often has this happened at the death of one of England's own? And, yes, it was humanistically right and allowable for her to do so and would have been humanistically improper if she had not done so. Once we lose our humanity in place of sovereignty, we lose our nobility, respectability, honorability and humanity. We all die, and to dis-acknowledge another in their death is to insure our own dis-acknowledgment at the time of our death. To dis-acknowledge Diana at the time of her passing would be insensitive, cold, heartless and even cruel. Again, this activity of the Queen was highly commendable and also commensurate with the energies of the then oncoming millennium. It showed sensitivity, compassion and feeling even if it were encased in the seemingly unfeeling demeanor of a passing age.

One very poignant occurrence during her funeral procession was the five man entourage following her casket. This was composed of her two sons and potential Kings of England - William and Harry, her ex-husband, Prince Charles - a potential King of England, Prince Philip - the Queen's husband and her brother Charles, Earl Spencer. This may have been perceived simply as a loving gesture, which it most admittedly was, but it was also a symbolic 'ushering in' of the feminine principle of the oncoming 2nd Millennium. There was no female nearnessy behind that casket, only male. This was admittedly an acknowledgment of the passing of the torch from the masculine to the feminine, not necessarily in gender but in principle.

Diana's power was most graphic in the simple dialogue of tasteless habitancy in the wake of her death. As we all saw and heard, it was Diana's warmth, her love, compassion, kindness, sensitivity to the plight of others, and her genuine feeling for habitancy in normal that was the topic of conversation in those heart-rendering days following her tragic urgency on 31 August 1997. No one talked about her scholastic prowess because she had none. In fact, she had failed her 'O Levels' twice. She was not an heroic general, an acclaimed scientist, noted author, or supreme politician. She was English Royalty for a time, but it was not her status that habitancy commented on. In fact, it was her absence of a feeling of status and superiority which endeared her to such a vast array of many separate kinds and types of people.

In celebration of Diana, David Miller, old British legacy Secretary, said, She had compassion.Diana's brother, Charles, Earl Spencer stated during her funeral, All over the world she was a seal of selfless humanity, a standard bearer for the rights of the truly downtrodden. The Very Reverend Dr. Wesley Carr, Dean of Westminster, who presided over Diana's funeral, commented, In her death, she commands the condolence of millions, and Andrew Neil, old editor of the "Times of London," exclaimed, She has set a new standard for a contemporary monarchy (reference: Blueprint of a Princess: Diana Frances Spencer - Queen of Hearts).

From these quotes it is easy to see that it was Diana's quality to touch others, to be human, to be feeling, compassionate, involved and kind which molded her uniqueness, endeared her to millions and generated, straight through the force of her natural living and being, a legacy which may well regard her as the mom and Matriarch of Britain's future.

However, would Diana's life have continued to have the astounding impact it has had, and most likely will have, if she had died in old age after a rich and full life? We'll never know. But one can never underestimate the powerful, long-lasting ensue of a person's life and works when that man is taken from among our midst in what appears to be a pre-mature death, especially in a violent and tragic manner.

We all have a sense of loss when a man dies young and violently. But such a loss often generates a memory that is not admittedly forgotten and, in fact, tends to immortalize such a one when a later, more natural death would not. Think of the deaths of Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, President John Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Too, we tend to remember the man more and the causes for which they worked so selflessly and sincerely when death comes early, unexpectedly and tragically.

To be a millennia bridge it was essential for Diana to die young and tragically. William Shakespeare's tragic play, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is the most supreme and replicated of all his tragedies. Why? Because it, too, like the tragedy of Diana, focused on the theme of youth dying young and tragically. As humans, these stories power us to remember and not admittedly forget.

Most importantly, one can be sure that Diana's offspring, one of whom will no doubt be the King of England, will not forget! Prince William and Prince Harry had their mom seemingly stolen from them at a very impressionable age, an age in which tragic events are not forgotten and which, likewise, create foundations of future expression. Had Diana died in her seventies, for example, it is questionable either her impression upon her children and the works she left to the world would have had the same intense impact and effect. By dying young, the intensity, sincerity and lucidity of her message of compassion, kindness, caring, sincerity, honesty and genuine humanity which she conveyed to the British habitancy and the world while alive, will live straight through her son, the future King of England, and by so doing have a dramatic ensue and impact on the future of this proud and stately nation. This is why, among her other titles, she may also be called the mom or Matriarch of Britain's future.

England's habitancy loved Diana. To them she has become the Queen of Hearts, The People's Princess, the Princess of Love. The importance of her loving ways will, no doubt, be even more dramatic as England's future unfurls, especially if the royal monarchy remains in tact. straight through her son William, England's future King, her understanding of people, of others and of compassion will, hopefully, live on to lift the British Empire into the embrace of the 2nd Millennium, passionately evoking from her habitancy the exulting cries of "Long live the King" and, never to be forgotten, "Long live the Queen... Of Hearts!"

Copyright Richard Andrew King
All rights Reserved

Princess Diana of Wales - Long Live the Queen of Hearts

วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Check Out Don't Tread On Me

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Don't Tread On Me Overview

This book is a collection of quotes that I believe will inspire each reader, The American Patriot, to triumph over tyranny. May God Bless America!

Don't Tread On Me – An American Patriot's Book of Quote is a reminder to all patriots that the struggle in America between liberty and tyranny has been an ongoing battle. The Founders of America were triumphant in their war against the tyranny of the English King, George III. Will the patriots of today be equally triumphant?Will liberty prevail? The tyranny of today brought on by massive government growth and spending both federal, state and even county and city has exploded into a heavy burden that founder Thomas Jefferson warned against,“Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work to give to those who are not.”

I believe, as most others believe, that government has a vital role to play in civilized society. However, I also believe there is a Constitutional limit to the role government should participate in our lives. Ronald Reagan said it best, “Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem.” This quote lies at the core of the fundamental battle being waged in America today. The Liberal or Progressive Democrat believes that governments role includes solving all of societies inequalities. While the Conservative Republican believes less government and private industry can best provide the foundation for our success. The Tea Party movement has established itself on the belief that both parties promote larger government and more spending. These American patriots believe, as I do, that less government is good government.

I agree with what Dennis Prager has often said on his radio program, “The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.” How can government continue to grow and grow and spend and spend and not become more a part of our lives? How can the citizen that is dependent on government for “the pursuit of happiness” not be made smaller. Remember, “A government big enough to provide you everything is big enough to take everything.”

Don't Tread On Me Specifications

This book is a collection of quotes that I believe will inspire each reader, The American Patriot, to triumph over tyranny. May God Bless America!

Don't Tread On Me – An American Patriot's Book of Quote is a reminder to all patriots that the struggle in America between liberty and tyranny has been an ongoing battle. The Founders of America were triumphant in their war against the tyranny of the English King, George III. Will the patriots of today be equally triumphant?Will liberty prevail? The tyranny of today brought on by massive government growth and spending both federal, state and even county and city has exploded into a heavy burden that founder Thomas Jefferson warned against,“Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work to give to those who are not.”

I believe, as most others believe, that government has a vital role to play in civilized society. However, I also believe there is a Constitutional limit to the role government should participate in our lives. Ronald Reagan said it best, “Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem.” This quote lies at the core of the fundamental battle being waged in America today. The Liberal or Progressive Democrat believes that governments role includes solving all of societies inequalities. While the Conservative Republican believes less government and private industry can best provide the foundation for our success. The Tea Party movement has established itself on the belief that both parties promote larger government and more spending. These American patriots believe, as I do, that less government is good government.

I agree with what Dennis Prager has often said on his radio program, “The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.” How can government continue to grow and grow and spend and spend and not become more a part of our lives? How can the citizen that is dependent on government for “the pursuit of happiness” not be made smaller. Remember, “A government big enough to provide you everything is big enough to take everything.”

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 11, 2012 16:26:59

วันศุกร์ที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

5 Characteristics of productive Leadership

There are many factors that lead to productive leadership, and I will address five of them here. An productive leader is crucial to any flourishing business, whether it is an offline or online business.

The first characteristic of productive leadership is empathy, an understanding and identification with other person's feelings, situation and goals. Showing such empathy even in difficult situations will win you kudos with the staff. In the event of a conflict, a good leader will be able to empathize with both sides, while being able to negotiate an amicable solution. Your staff will work much better with you when you show some empathy.

John F Kennedy Quotes

Secondly, an productive leader shows a tenacious estimation and resolve, never wavering in spite of obstacles. Together with a definite attitude, this can turn nearby an practically impossible situation, thus enabling others to see the brighter picture and carry on with the task at hand, keeping the end consequent in mind.

5 Characteristics of productive Leadership

Don't Tread On Me Best

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Don't Tread On Me Overview

This book is a collection of quotes that I believe will inspire each reader, The American Patriot, to triumph over tyranny. May God Bless America!

Don't Tread On Me – An American Patriot's Book of Quote is a reminder to all patriots that the struggle in America between liberty and tyranny has been an ongoing battle. The Founders of America were triumphant in their war against the tyranny of the English King, George III. Will the patriots of today be equally triumphant?Will liberty prevail? The tyranny of today brought on by massive government growth and spending both federal, state and even county and city has exploded into a heavy burden that founder Thomas Jefferson warned against,“Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work to give to those who are not.”

I believe, as most others believe, that government has a vital role to play in civilized society. However, I also believe there is a Constitutional limit to the role government should participate in our lives. Ronald Reagan said it best, “Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem.” This quote lies at the core of the fundamental battle being waged in America today. The Liberal or Progressive Democrat believes that governments role includes solving all of societies inequalities. While the Conservative Republican believes less government and private industry can best provide the foundation for our success. The Tea Party movement has established itself on the belief that both parties promote larger government and more spending. These American patriots believe, as I do, that less government is good government.

I agree with what Dennis Prager has often said on his radio program, “The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.” How can government continue to grow and grow and spend and spend and not become more a part of our lives? How can the citizen that is dependent on government for “the pursuit of happiness” not be made smaller. Remember, “A government big enough to provide you everything is big enough to take everything.”

Don't Tread On Me Specifications

This book is a collection of quotes that I believe will inspire each reader, The American Patriot, to triumph over tyranny. May God Bless America!

Don't Tread On Me – An American Patriot's Book of Quote is a reminder to all patriots that the struggle in America between liberty and tyranny has been an ongoing battle. The Founders of America were triumphant in their war against the tyranny of the English King, George III. Will the patriots of today be equally triumphant?Will liberty prevail? The tyranny of today brought on by massive government growth and spending both federal, state and even county and city has exploded into a heavy burden that founder Thomas Jefferson warned against,“Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work to give to those who are not.”

I believe, as most others believe, that government has a vital role to play in civilized society. However, I also believe there is a Constitutional limit to the role government should participate in our lives. Ronald Reagan said it best, “Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem.” This quote lies at the core of the fundamental battle being waged in America today. The Liberal or Progressive Democrat believes that governments role includes solving all of societies inequalities. While the Conservative Republican believes less government and private industry can best provide the foundation for our success. The Tea Party movement has established itself on the belief that both parties promote larger government and more spending. These American patriots believe, as I do, that less government is good government.

I agree with what Dennis Prager has often said on his radio program, “The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.” How can government continue to grow and grow and spend and spend and not become more a part of our lives? How can the citizen that is dependent on government for “the pursuit of happiness” not be made smaller. Remember, “A government big enough to provide you everything is big enough to take everything.”

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 10, 2012 14:41:06

Thirdly, one must be able to cut off themselves from the situation and analyze it from a distance. The productive leader is calm and composed in the face of turmoil and uncertainty. This stability like a rock gives a definite sense of character and offers some peace of mind to others who may be mindlessly caught up in that turmoil.

Fourthly, a leader must have perfect transportation skills. He must be comfortable running meetings and manufacture presentations. His presentation skills have to be excellent, and be able to transport accurately the essence of the subject at hand and be able to address any ambiguities before they come up. Such transportation skills will have to be learned along the way to being a good leader or manager.

Lastly, an productive leader has to be resourceful adequate to find the resources that are needed. Not every leader will have an intimate knowledge of the subject, but he will be able to turn to the population in the know and regain any considerable resources as required.

I have covered five leading characteristics of an productive leader. Although there are many more characteristics of productive leadership, I believe that these are five crucial factors that will have to be learned by anyone who wishes to come to be a great leader. These characteristics can be learnt by anyone, whether they are currently an productive leader or not, however, this is not something that you learn in school.

And thus I close this with a quote from John F. Kennedy

"Leadership and learning are considerable to each other."

5 Characteristics of productive LeadershipThe Assassination Prelude Video Clips. Duration : 4.63 Mins.

First Collaboration Beat From Always Cloudy Studios

Keywords: Always Cloudy, Always Cloudy Ent, Quotes, Jfk, Assassination, The President, The Truth, Antisec, Lulzsec, Anonymous, Beat, Wiz Khalifa, Hip-Hop, Electronic, Music

วันอังคารที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Speech article - Part whole 3 - Speech opportunity

We've all heard the expression, "There's only one opportunity to make a first impression!" This is it!

The opportunity of Your Speech is your first impression to your audience. It literally, 'sets the stage' for your presentation.

John F Kennedy Quotes

Very quickly, the audience is going to be on the edge of their seats, whether breathlessly waiting for more, or, if your opportunity isn't a great one, waiting for the moment when they can leave their seat and bolt for the exit!

Speech article - Part whole 3 - Speech opportunity

Rick London Famous Wisdom Quote Gifts - John F. Kennedy - John F. Kennedy - Forgive But Not Forget Enemies Wisdom Quote Gifts - Water Bottles Best

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Here are some things you might think when developing the opportunity for your next presentation.

Paint a Word Picture No bodily pictures equal what our minds can develop.

Example: "Picture this. You've just taken your seat in English Class, and the professor says, "Class, clear your desks and take our a clean sheet of paper." What are your thoughts?

Ask a Question This gets citizen thinking.

Example: "Raise your hand if you know anything who's ever been in a serous car accident." (Bonus: If you raise your hand while asking a question, more citizen will raise their hands. Depending on the branch matter, this can make an important difference.)

Famous Quote The quote, and person quoted, should be relevant to your presentation.

Example: "Over 20 years ago, John F. Kennedy, in his inauguration address, told the American people, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."

Today in History The historical event should be factual and relevant to your branch matter.

There are a number of excellent websites that contribute this information, together with events and the births of famed people. Using a puny creativity with this information can segue into your speech opening.

Example: "On this day in history, September 20th, 1519, Ferdinand Magellan, embarked from Spain on a tour to circumnavigate the world. Revamping this year's strategic plan, and meeting new objectives, should be relatively easy compared to the obstacles those brave sailors faced."

In This Morning's New York Times (or Other Media.) A current event, if appropriate, can be part of the opportunity to your speech.

If print media, like a magazine or newspaper, the item can be used as a prop and held up to the audience as you speak.

Example: "I noticed in this morning's paper there was other shooting in the city - and the victim was only 14 years old! When, when, when - are we going to seriously address the hand gun issue in this country?

Suspense / Surprise Build suspense with the audience. Then surprise them with a contrary statement.

Example: "In making ready for this presentation over a two week period of time, I personally took over 200 pictures, picked the 15 best ones, cropped and edited them to get the exact content I needed to make my points today, loaded them into a power point presentation - and my hard drive instantly crashed!"

Use a bodily Prop or a optical or Audio corollary This will get the attention of the audience.

Your opportunity statement should tie directly to what the audience just experienced.

Example: The shrill of the siren of an ambulance or blare of an air horn from a fire machine can be an effective way to open a speech on safety, as in, "Hear that sound? An emergency occurred, and someone's life has changed - forever!"

Bonus Tips

Don't start talking as soon as you're introduced. Pause - and count silently to 5. The silence signals the audience to give you their attention. Smile before speaking. Unless your presentation is a somber one, smiling indicates you are confident, and ready to present!

Never, even if true, tell the audience you are not prepared for your presentation. Statements like that are self destructive. The audience will not expect much from you, and you'll probably meet their low expectations.

If there's humor in your opening, and it's appropriate, and you can gift it well - use it! Good humor will put the audience, and you, at ease.

Speech article - Part whole 3 - Speech opportunityFree Speech PSA Video Clips. Duration : 0.50 Mins.

forcethis.com ... Go on a journey through the mind in this surreal public service announcement on the freedom of speech and expression. This video has been submitted as part of the Center for Inquiry's Campaign for Free Expression Video Contest (http however, it does not carry the endorsement, or necessarily represent the views, of the Center for Inquiry.

Tags: Campaign, for, Free, Expression, Video, Contest, Blasphemy Day, famous, quotes, UNI, forcethis.com, thesagasite.com, brain, inside head, surreal, trippy, after, effects, I have a dream, Martin Luther King, murderer, philosopher, good, evil, nothing to fear, itself, Jesse Jackson, Bob Marley, JFK, Kennedy, road, socialism, herb, healing, nation, sex, drugs, insanity, Hunter, S., Thompson, acid, lsd, tripped, wild, scifi, commercial, censor, censorship